Company Info

Big Orange Cable is run by by two awesome gents in the Portland, Oregon area.

Carter Marquis

What does he do

Specs and sources the best products in the industry for all your Big Orange Cable needs! 

About Carter

Carter has focused on automotive electronics and electric vehicles for over a decade with several EV startups and development projects. Specializing in wire harness design for prototype vehicles as well as designing for volume manufacturing, his expertise covers not only small multi-colored wires but also, you guessed it, Big Orange Cable and assemblies thereof.  If you have a question about cable, connectors, or anything in between, Carter is your go-to guy.


Brian Boshes

What does he do

Manages a fulfillment process that gets your Big Orange Cable to you quickly so you can get back to building. 

About Brian

Brian has been in the e-commerce space for the last 15 years, beginning as a software engineer at While pursuing his career there, he started a side-hustle selling moldable plastic under the brand InstaMorph® on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. After selling InstaMorph in 2021, he's been looking for his next project and has found it with Big Orange Cable. Brian is passionate about vehicle electrification and enabling DIY, so this product has been a perfect fit.